Your support is very

important to us

What is done with your investment?

Our projects focus on local initiatives of associations and cooperatives that adopt carbon reduction measures in their daily activities, such as renewable energy, biomass use, reduced deforestation and degradation (REDD+).

Your help is used to offset CO2 emissions in the following ways:

Purchase of seedlings / forest conservation

Encourages the planting of new species by families who live off the fruits and resources generated by the forests, conserving the biome and empowering the development of local communities. The natural forest preserves biodiversity, protects the soil and water, and sequesters carbon in its trees.

Sustainable agriculture

Agroforestry is a system that promotes restoration, attracts pollinators and native wildlife, and provides ecological services, transforming forest planting and maintenance into an economically viable activity. This is an important initiative at a time when deforestation is occurring at such an alarming rate. The project assists local communities in reclaiming areas, seeking to value trees over pasture, fruit cultivation over livestock.

Sustainable Energy

A visionary project that seeks to help low-income families to have their homes powered by renewable energy.

Our portfolio of projects

Our team is also prepared to help you with the sustainability of your business, providing many partnerships, such as:

Interested? Be you a company or an individual, contact us.

Want to make a one-time donation?

Carnaúba Project

Contributes on a monthly average with the growth of one tree in a restoration area of the Caatinga Biome.

R$ 20,00


Sustainable agriculture project in the Amazon

Support to sustainable agriculture in which the natural forest preserves the biome, protects the soil and the water, and is an important sink for carbon, helping to reduce the impacts of climate change.

R$ 20,00


Ebook millionaire potential of the carbon credits market

Comes with spreadsheet for ecological footprint calculations.

R$ 30,00

Download file

Calculate your Personal Carbon Footprint

Our day-to-day activities leave their mark on our planet. Every person, family, event, company, organization and government has its share of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. These footprints range from running the tap, driving a car, and even making a shoe, which are simple things we do in our daily lives.

And how do we calculate the carbon footprint of each of these practices, to better understand the impact on the environment?

The carbon footprint is a methodology created for this. For this calculation, we use the tool developed by Carbon Lifecycle, which calculates all emissions, of any gas that will accumulate in the atmosphere, and are converted into carbon equivalent.

In other words: the carbon footprint represents the total volume of GHG generated by the daily activities of a person (or family, event, company, organization, government).

Calculate now and see what your Carbon Footprint is and how many trees you need to plant, annually, to offset these emissions.

Want to make a one-time donation?

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